Memory is always the key to solving all problems. As people get older, human memory increasingly declines. That is why we need to practice memory every day. Here are the easiest ways for you to improve your brain power.
+ Exercise: Research from the University of California (USA) and University of Tsukuba (Japan) recently showed that 10-minute light exercise such as walking, yoga, tai chi for the whole person Young and old people work to enhance memory. Exercise increases brain oxygenation and reduces the risk of disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also helps to increase beneficial substances in the brain, reducing stress hormones. Most importantly, exercise has a key role in nerve dilation by promoting growth factors and stimulating new nerve connections.
+ Drink water after waking up: Your body has 6-9 hours of no water supply. Water is required for filtration of waste and for fluid balance. Studies of children show that drinking plenty of water increases resistance to mental health risks. Make sure your brain is not dehydrated when the day starts. + Playing games instead of watching television: Watching television is a passive activity. Your brain consumes information but does not process or interact with it. A 2014 study found that even a simple game has a visible effect on the brain (in a flexible way). Actively interacting keeps your brain active instead of passively sleeping it.
+ Do not ignore the nap: Napping is very good for health, especially for intellectual workers. The effective nap provides time to regenerate and restore cells, is an effective way for you to improve alertness and productivity in the afternoon. A great nap of about 15-30 minutes will help you reduce the feeling of sleep, reduce stress, fatigue, and feel better mentally. In particular, for the elderly, naps will help them consolidate memory, reduce confusion.
+ For brain exercise: When you reach adulthood, your brain has developed millions of neurons to help process and reflect information quickly. But if you just know it, your brain won’t be stimulated to let it continue to grow. Brain memory, like muscle, requires exercise and daily use to keep it healthy. The more brain activities you do, the better you can process and remember information.
+ Learn something new: Even if you do brain activity, but this one you are familiar with and good at, it is not a good brain exercise. To train your brain you need to learn new things, step out of your comfort zone. Remember to strengthen your brain you need to continue learning and developing new skills. + Laughter: You’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine, and of course that’s true for both brain and memory as well as for body. your. Unlike other emotional responses that are limited to specific regions of the brain, laughter participates in many regions of the entire brain. Take time for yourself to have fun and funny moments with relatives and friends. You will find your brain becomes much more energetic.